Friday, November 28, 2008

A Little Housekeeping

Last Friday I converted £10,000 to US$15,200 to pay off a little of the margin loan. At the same time I have had to withdraw about £80,000 from my fund for personal reasons.

Here are the prices of the stocks I hold at today's close:

GS: $78.99
GOOG: $292.96
HOG: $17.01

Sunday, November 09, 2008

HOG and GS

On Friday I bought another 2,571 shares of HOG for a about $21.07 each. I also bought 710 shares in Goldman Sachs for $76.77 each. I have funded both of these purchases by margin loan rather than convert GBP since I feel the US dollar will fall over time.

I must admit my Goldman Sachs purchase was not based on much financial analysis. Instead, I'm 'coattailing' Warren Buffett based on two things:
1. Mr Buffett's statement that "Goldman Sachs is an exceptional institution. It has an unrivaled global franchise, a proven and deep management team, and the intellectual and financial capital to continue its track record of outperformance."
2. My guess that the price has dropped enough to put it the same league as the recent deal obtained by Mr Buffett, if not as good.