Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Liquidated HOG, Bought more FB

Yesterday I sold all my 7,156 shares in Harley Davidson for $46.93 each, total $335,831 (£253,015).  My reason for selling is that in the long term HOG faces a headwind in the form of battery technology and self-driving cars.  In 15-20 years most people will not buy cars and instead be driven around in a self-driving taxi.  Some people buy Harleys because they enjoy riding and want to be seen riding, but others will give up their Harley for a robot-chauffeured commute to work.  In addition, in 30-40 years it's conceivable that petrol-engined vehicles will be banned in some large countries (although probably not USA).

Yesterday I also purchased an additional 1,680 shares in Facebook at $179.61 each - total $301,744.80 (£227,455).  See previous post for reasons.


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